About Us

The Women and Agriculture Summit is an annual event that brings together female farmers, women interested in farming, agricultural organizations, and sponsors to discuss and develop strategies and solutions that will help empower female farmers and ensure their success.

The Summit provides an opportunity for these stakeholders to share best practices and resources, build relationships and networks, and develop initiatives to support and promote female farmers, while providing invaluable benefits to each participating organization and sponsor.

This year's theme, "Leveraging Technology and Innovation to Unleash the Potential of Agriculture and Value Addition," brings together female farmers, women interested in farming, innovators, organizations, and sponsors from across Namibia. Through dynamic discussions, workshops, and networking opportunities, we aim to empower female farmers, provide valuable insights, and foster collaboration to address the challenges faced by women in the agricultural sector.

our programs


Join The Cause

We are thrilled to have you join us on our mission to empower women in agriculture and revolutionize the industry. At Agri-Women, we believe that when women succeed in agriculture, our communities, economies, and the world at large thrive. Our purpose is clear: to provide comprehensive business support services, foster hands-on skills development, and facilitate connections to funding opportunities for women in agriculture. We understand the unique challenges faced by women in this vital industry, and we are here to champion your success every step of the way. What sets Agri-Women apart is our unwavering commitment to your growth and prosperity. We go beyond traditional support systems by offering tailored solutions, innovative resources, and a vibrant community of like-minded women who share your passion and ambition. Together, we will explore the endless opportunities within agriculture and embrace sustainable farming practices for a brighter future. Watch this space for future announcements on our service offerings.